The Independent Awards Standards Council – Awards Trust Mark
What is the Awards Trust Mark?
The Awards Trust Mark initiative is a not-for-profit accreditation programme run by The Independent Awards Standards Council with the goal of, as the name suggests, enhancing trust between those entering awards programmes, and the organisations running them.
It is based around a voluntary code of conduct that awards organisers commit to. All levels of the Trust Mark require a director to sign up to this code of conduct. The highest levels (advanced and outstanding) not only have the most extensive list of elements within the code of conduct, but are also validated by calling a randomly selected awards judge and awards entrant.
The initiative is not-for-profit. All individuals on the council, and organisations supporting the accreditation, monitor their investments and the fees charged to award organisers are purely to cover these costs. Any surplus is reinvested back into the initiative.
The initiative is already raising standards in the industry, and we would encourage everyone entering awards to encourage the organisers to commit to the code of conduct and thus earn an Awards Trust Mark.
If you are aware of an accredited award doing something that suggests they are not complying with the Awards Trust Mark code of conduct, then please contact us so we can investigate further.
What is the evidence for needing one?
The need for the Awards Trust Mark, and the elements within an agreed code of conduct, are based on research by Boost Awards that gained input from both awards entrants and organisers. This research showed that about 80% of businesses entering awards would be influenced by such an accreditation when picking awards to enter. It found that transparency was essential, and that most awards organisers were willing to consider such an accreditation, for the benefit of all stakeholders within the awards industry. The research also showed that perceived trust in the judging process used in an awards programme is one of the most influential factors for businesses when picking awards to enter.
So how does the Awards Trust Mark work?
There are three tiers available as shown below (Click logos to apply):
What do we get for applying?
Any awards programme that earns an accreditation:
- Can use the Awards Trust Mark logo, of the level of accreditation that they have earned, in any marketing for a period of 12 months after accreditation has been earned. When in digital form, the logo must link to the corresponding page on this www.awardstrustmark.org website which explains what that level accreditation means.
- Will have their awards programme marked with a correspondingly coloured tick on the awards-list.co.uk and awards-list.com websites. These sites are the agreed locations where the accreditation level is published and can be verified. The research clearly shows that organisations choosing which awards to enter will lean towards those with Trust Marks.
What is the Independent Awards Standards Council?
The Independent Awards Standards Council (IASC) and the Awards Trust Mark are a non-profit making exercise with the sole aim of promoting trust in the award industry as a whole for the benefit of all stakeholders. By applying for an Awards Trust Mark we hope that you will be contributing to this aim and keep within the spirit of its intentions. Please contact the Independent Awards Standards Council directly should you wish to become a member. Current members are as follows:

Chris Robinson
MD & Founder Boost Awards

Paula Kelsey
Owner Cloud 9 Event Management Limited & Founder ‘Fresh Awards’

Karen Sutton
Founder The Global Good Awards

Ray Harrison
Learning Demand & Fulfilment Lead, Barclays Group

Victoria Sibley
Marketing Manager, AwardStage

Louise Turner
Founder & Chief Wordsmith, Awards Writers